Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Record Office ER 82 - Results found: 131
I said yo
w hadd'st a fine wit true said shee a fine little one, no se I a
great witt, right says she a great grosse one nay se I a good witt
just said she yt hurts nobodie, nay se I ye gent ys wise, certain se she
a wise gent: nay se I hee hath y
e toungs: [that[ I beleev se she for hee
swore a thing to me on monday night, w
ch he forswore on tuesday
morning, theers a double toung thers 2 toungs
By Don Pedro,
in Much Ado About Nothing (TLN2248-2255),
William Shakespeare
in Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Record Office ER 82, f.1v
Give thy thoughts no tong nor any unꝑportion'd thought his act, familiar but not vulgar, thos frends thou hast & their adoptiō tryed grapple them unto thy soule w
th hoopes of steele, But do not dull thy palme w
th ent
t Beware of entrance into a quarrel but beeing in beare it so that the opposed may beware of thee give ev
r y man thy eare but few thy voice take each mans Censure but reserve the judgm
By Polonius,
in Hamlet (TLN524-534),
William Shakespeare
in Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Record Office ER 82, f.2r