Peter Hausted - Results found: 44
Pandora when I record thy name me thi
nks the numerous orbs dwell in my eare
after which sound all others seeme un-
pleasing harsh and voyde of harmonie
Pandora oh how sweete a life had the
Camelion might he ever feede upon
such aire
By Lucius,
in The Rival Friends (1.3, p. 18),
Peter Hausted
in Folger MS V.a.87, f. 22v
Ere Ile loose a sigh or set my one scruple
of a note the lower for these scarcrows in
cleane linnens these chippings of nature
Ide damne myselfe to a thatcht ale house
and St Kitts Tobacco and dabble there eternaly
By Lucius,
in The Rival Friends (1.4, p. 19),
Peter Hausted
in Folger MS V.a.87, f. 22v