John Lyly - Results found: 13

PL. Loues metamorph: Lilly. & Alexandr & campashe his Titus Andronic: Romeo & Juliet
The next blowe hitts ye taale out of his mouth;
By Erisicthon, in Loves Metamorphosis (1.2.88-89), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
her eys suke so farre into
her head yt she looketh out of the nape of her necke
By Ceres, in Loves Metamorphosis (2.1.21-23), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
where continuall warre ys betweene loue & vertue there must bee some parties & continuall perills: Cupid was neur conquered & therefore must be flattered, virginity hath & therefore must bee humble.
By Ceres, in Loves Metamorphosis (2.1.42-45), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
The Causes of loue
By Ceres, in Loves Metamorphosis (2.1.108-111), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
ffor anothr to put thoughts into my head were to pull ye brains out of my head.
By Niobe, in Loves Metamorphosis (3.1.88-89), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
Poets make their wreaths of lawrell Ladyes of sundry flowers.
By Niobe, in Loves Metamorphosis (3.1.92-93), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
A Mrchant who knowes no othr good then gold, vnles it bee falselyeswearing by a god to get golde.
By Protea, in Loves Metamorphosis (3.2.26-28), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
my thoughts are bound prentises to yro words &c.
By Celia, in Loves Metamorphosis (5.4.87-88), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
Alexa: & Campasb : A quipp
A quipp ys
By Psyllus, in Campaspe (3.2.29-31; 3.4.126-127), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
So light a body
By Solinus, in Campaspe (4.1.15-18), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
Vsuall excuses yt swearing Cometh of a whot mettle, Lying of aquick witt; fflattery of a flowing tongue: vndecent talk of a mery
disposicō. &c.
By Diogenes, in Campaspe (4.1.41-43), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
To be beleeued
By Apelles, in Campaspe (4.2.28-29), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v
Down wth arms & vp wth &c
By Phrigius, in Campaspe (5.3.2-3), John Lyly
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 86v