Cyril Tourneur - Results found: 15

wee haue not Liu'd to such an age
yt ye increasing canker of or sins
Hath spred too far upō vs. yesaing of a good young coople ready to dye.
By Castabella, in The Atheist's Tragedy (5.2.p.332), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
Ahteists Trag.
I am glad I had ye occasion to make known
How readily my substance shall unlock
it selue to serue yow.
By D'Amville, in The Atheist's Tragedy (1.1.p.248), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
let thy trust
For vndrtaking & for secresy
Hold measure wth thy amplitude of wit
& thy reward shall paralel thy worth.
By D'Amville, in The Atheist's Tragedy (1.1.p.249), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
kisses seals
Of Loue importing by ye joyning of
mutuall & incorporated breath
yt ye breath but one contracted lyfe.
By Castabella, in The Atheist's Tragedy (1.2.p.252), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
yow mistake ye way into a woman
ye passage lyes not thorough her reasō but her blood. her liips are rebells & stand out.
By Levidulcia, in The Atheist's Tragedy (1.4.p.261), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
what ist but a rape to force a wench
To marry since it forces her to ly
wth him shee wolde not.
By Sebastian, in The Atheist's Tragedy (1.4.p.263), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
Shall hard pleas therfore let her rest
By Rousard, in The Atheist's Tragedy (2.1.p.269), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
ha's set
her bloud o' boyling in her vains, & now
lyke watr pwred on ye grownd yt mixes
it self wth eury moysture she cold
claspe wthy any man. A watch Passetime.
By Levidulcia, in The Atheist's Tragedy (2.3.p.274), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
Ladies are as curteous as yomens wyues & more gentle for hott dyet & soft eas, make them lyke was alwais kept warm
more easy to take impression.
By Levidulcia, in The Atheist's Tragedy (2.5.p.281), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
The want of mony makes a free spirit more
mad then ye possessiō dos a greedy vserer.
By Sebastian, in The Atheist's Tragedy (3.2.p.294), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
want lyke ye rack, it draws a man to endangr himself to ye gallows rathr then endure yt
By Sebastian, in The Atheist's Tragedy (3.2.p.294), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
Yow expose yor honesty
To strang construction, & professe
More neernes to him then yor modesty
Can answr.
By D'Amville, in The Atheist's Tragedy (3.4.p.299), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
I wold ha'borne
ye cours & inclynation of my Loue
According to ye motion of ye sun,
inuisibly inioyd & vndrstood.
By D'Amville, in The Atheist's Tragedy (3.4.p.300), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
The Loue of a woman is lyke a mushroom, it grows in one night & will seru somwhat pleasingly next morning to breakfast, but aftrwards waxes fulsom & vnwholsom.
By Sebastian, in The Atheist's Tragedy (4.5.p.321), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v
O wth what vertue lust shold bee wthstood
Since it's a fyre quencht seldom wthout blood.
By The Watch, in The Atheist's Tragedy (4.5.p.322), Cyril Tourneur
in Bodleian Library MS English poetry d. 3, f. 80v